EU: ” We understand that the circumstances around Olof Palme´s death are of great importance to you…”

For The European Commission. And for ” Riksåklagaren”. The Swedish National Attorney.

30.4.2011. I receive, on April 30, the following letter from Olivier Tell, who is the Head of ”Unit B1, Judicial cooperation in criminal matters” at the ”Directorate-General Justice” of the European Commission, Brussels.

Brussels 12 Avr 2011.

Dear Mr Aner, Thank you for your letter of 08 December 2010 addressed to Vice-President Reding, who asked me to reply to you on her behalf. Please accept my apologies for this late response,

I have considered the contents  of your letter carefully. Whilst I can appreciate that the circumstances around Prime Minister Olof Palme´s death are of great importance to you, I regret to inform you that the European Commission has no competence to intervene in this matter. Under the powers of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union (TFEU), Member States are responsible for the day to day administration of their justice systems. Therefore, we cannot intevene in a criminal matter which has and ought to be dealt with through the Swedish justice system.

I am sorry that I cannot be of further help and I hope that you understand our legal position.

Yours sincerely

Olivier TELL, Head of Unit

My answer:

May 1, 2011.  For Olivier Tell, Esq., European Commission, Directorate-General Justice, Head of Unit B 1: Judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

Sir, I thank you for your letter of April 12, and I note that you have ”considered the contents of my letter carefully”. I have one question, though. You say that you ”cannot intervene in a criminal matter” of this kind, and yet the scope of your unit is ”Judicial cooperation in criminal matters”. Which criminal matters can be handled by your unit when you say that you cannot touch the assassination of a state´s Prime Minister?

Mr Tell, I would very much appreciate a specific answer!  For it is a very specific matter! Swedish police have since 1990 maintained – and still maintains! – that Olof Palme was shot to death by alcoholic and drug addict Christer Pettersson, now deceased, while undisputable evidence shows, and has always shown, that police evidence that allegedly points at Christer Pettersson was falsely compiled by police officials themselves with the connivance of the National Attorney.

We are faced by a Moment 22. Swedish authorities will apparently never admit Christer Pettersson´s innocence since they would in that case commit themselves.

It is in view of this very dangerous Swedish national situation that I hereby once more ask for your assistance.  The Swedish people needs help, but the Swedish state refuses help.

Would it not be possible for

”Unit B1: Judicial cooperation in criminal matters”

to act in this State Member matter of great importance?

This letter also goes to the Swedish National Attorney, who is directly in charge of this matter..

Please forward my regards to Vice-President Reding!

Yours very sincerely

Sven Anér, Öster Edinge 271, S-740 10 Almunge, Sweden. (460)174-500 66.

./. Encl. Copy of falsified document re spurious telephone tapping arranged by Swedish Police in conjunction with the Swedish National Attorney´s Office. Telephone conversation ”IN 2315 , 6, Roger-Okm–Sigge” never took place. Alleged conversation used in evidence by Swedish National Attorney to incriminate innocent Christer Pettersson in assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme, Feb 28, 1986.

Olof Palme was, in fact, shot to death by Anti Avsan, then a police officer, to-day a Stockholm Judge and a Conservative Member of the Swedish Riksdag.

I invite reaction from The Swedish National Attorney, after reception of this letter. I am of course willing to stand trial, should The


Polisenheten vid justitiedepartementet: Jag översänder en skrivelse med bilagor som jag i dag tillställt Europakommissionen samt RÅ.

Jag vore tacksam för besked från polisenheten huruvida någon av de uppgifter som jag framlägger enligt enhetens mening är felaktig. Jag är efter mycket lång verksamhet som nyhetsjournalist angelägen om att alltid lämna korrekta sakuppgifter, varför jag alltså önskar ett klart besked från enheten i denna fråga.

Tack på förhand och engagerad hälsning!

Sven Anér, Öster Edinge 271, 740 10 Almunge. 0174-500 66.

Bilagor: Brev till Europakommissionen och RÅ, brev från Europakommissionen till mig samt kopia av förfalskat telefonavlyssningsprotokoll.

1 kommentar:

  1. Ja, det är ju i sanning helt fantastiskt detta: att en demokratiskt vald statsminister i ett Europeiskt land som Sverige kan skjutas på öppen gata med folk som vittnen i närheten utan att mordet kan klaras upp och sanningen komma fram! EU borde väl ta till sig detta som ju utgör ett memento för alla Europas stater och hjälpa till, när Sverige självt inte vågar avslöja vad dess egen regering och riksdag med all säkerhet redan hemligen känner till, nämligen att det kanske är utländsk makt - och inte vilken makt som helst - som har iscensatt mordet på OP.


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