Sweden´s Palme Murder – another Treholt story?

To the International Criminal Court. Box 19519, 2500 CM
The Hague, Netherlands. Also for His Excellency Carl Bildt.
Your ref: OTP-CR-250/10.

Sirs, I hereby inform you that the Swedish authorities, in charge of  the Olof Palme Assassination investigation, have first doctored, then withheld evidence concerning decisive elements of the Prosecutor´s judicial inquiry.
Thus, evidence concerning the presence at crucial places connected with the assassination in Stockholm City, in 1986, of suspicious and unidentified walkie-talkies and cars, has been left out, and the remaining evidence was never published. 192 persons were interviewed among those present at the ”Grand” cinema during a performance immediately prior to the shooting of Prime Minister Palme, but only the ”harmless” 38 interviews have been published by police.
I am asking the Police authorities to hand over the remaining 160 interviews. Had just one of these 160 interviews, correctly reported, been made known at an early stage of the criminal proceedings, the outcome of the Palme investigation would have taken a wholly different route, focusing on the actual assassin, now protected by the Swedish Administration.
The International Criminal Court: you will find much of the information necessary for your handling of this question on my blog
The text is mainly in Swedish, but a few précis are in English, one, a letter to the European Union, is fairly exhaustive.
The recent accusations, in Norway, regarding the handling of the Treholt spy affair, go to show that poor, deliberately poor police work ruins any effort to go to the bottom of important high-echelon criminal affairs.
I can give you all further information that may be needed, and, of course, the Swedish authorities should be able to amplify.
My original application to the International Criminal Court was about Darfur and His Excellency Carl Bildt, Swedish Foreign Minister. The Palme assassination, however, is closely connected to the Bildt affair and the Conservative Swedish Administration. The Swedish prosecutor in charge of the Bildt/Darfur/Lundin Petroleum Affair has so far, after nearly three months, nothing to show for his alleged activities re Bildt. A procrastination of this kind is practically unheard of in Sweden. This prosecutor serves under Sweden´s Prosecutor-General, whose Vice-Prosecutor-General, in turn, is allegedly leading the Palme inquiry. These are, to my mind, knots and bonds that only an International Criminal Court could resolve.
So, I am of the definite opinion that Sweden´s Palme and Bildt affairs can be resolved only through distinct activities by the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
Yours very sincerely
Sven Anér, Öster Edinge 271, S-740 10 Almunge. SWEDEN.

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